

ZSA procurement team prepares Procurement procedures as per PPRA Rules & Regulations. These procedures incorporates and apply the procurement plans and strategies effectively and efficiently. Procurement procedures address the organization, manpower, work scope, job functions and the co-ordination necessary with Project Management Team to issue Requests for Quotation (RFQ) and Purchase Orders (POs), while performing Supplier Surveillance inspections, Expediting and Logistics activities. The procedures continuously monitors and updates to reflect the actual development of Project activities.

ZSA is now one of the known contracting Service Providers of the Bahrain

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Tubli Center: Office 12, Bld 4119, Rd 1173, Blck 711, Tubli – Bahrain
7901 4th St STE 300, St, Petersburg FL 33702, Florida ,USA
+1 321 5996177

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